NaPoWriMo Day 5

check: capowrimo prompt 19: acrostic poem

once more, into another world!
wring your senses now
in anticipation of a leap
the senses on your neck          tingling, ears
hearing the slightest
call of
altruistic melodies
ringing faintly through this

juxtaposed to this
unruly mind.
make your hands strive
in an ancient

oh sweet music
a requiem of times long passed
vivid in these eyes of yours
intrinsic to these ears of yours

cobbled with the sure way
to supreme knowledge
overarching wisdom          you
relish these bits
in an
all-exclusive fashion
never relenting this

tensed and ready
all that's left is to
yourself away.

In Person

          wants very much to be a star
          in the literal sense
          and she doesn’t care about meaning,
          only about beauty
          [meaning is just a plus]

          wants very much to be deeply intellectual
          and mostly manages pseudo-intellectual
          but sometimes he’s a hit and not a miss
          and then he borrows from everyone else
          to make himself more regal

          wants very much to read the minds of the audience
          to anticipate the reactions
          and then reply to them with precision
          he is more misses than hits,
          but Image is good friends with him,
          and he has two twin siblings

wants very much to make the audience laugh
but his troublesome brother makes it difficult
for more than a snicker.
wants very much to make the audience cry
but his troublesome brother makes it difficult
for more than a dark twist.

          is sort of a slut
          she sleeps around with everyone
          but everyone loves her
          can’t imagine themselves without her—
          yes, even Image

          is the spoiled kid
          who is allowed anywhere
          but hasn’t really matured yet
          even though everyone wants it to.

          is old and senile—
          doesn’t really want anything
          just sort of sits there and lets things go.

          and then I do my best
          to mediate.


flaubert said...

Love what you have done here. Nice work.