napowrimo 17

Prompt 1 Get a random country through a generator, then write a poem on it based on the pictures found in image search.

My waters—condensed mists
that slide across the river beds
like liquid,
lining the smoothed stone beaches
and walkways snaking
out of little city alleys—
except for
a widowed bicycle.

Prompt 2 Write about the elements in an unusual way. I am a sucker for elemental stories, so this is ttly restraint on my part x: . I'll do a full poem later kukuku.

scraping the dragon-imbued
stick of pigment
into a pitch black ink pot
add water
and and you’re free to create
with the excrements of an octopus—
how marvelous
are the elements!


little wing writer said...

painting with perfection only from nature... delightful!!! like what you did with day RWP 17 prompt!!! sirocco