NaPoWriMo #1 worth leaving

The prompt is to take your mp3 list, put it on shuffle, and use the first five songs.
Razia’s Shadow: A Musical – The End and The Beginning (Spoiler Warning?)
The Beach Boys - Little Deuce Coupe
Link’s Awakening – Ballad of the Windfish
Pendulum – Granite
The Postal Service – The District Sleeps Alone Tonight

worth leaving
Efren lived in
where he
          made prophecies
(such as:
          your girl will leave you
          your wallet will run away
          your husband will miscarry)
          that never came true
          Coupe was a sensible place)
and since
          Coupe was a sensible place
he wasn’t quite liked for
he always
          landed in trouble

          he said
your Military-Industrial-
          Congressional Complex
is toast and
          a meteorite fell from the sky
and this was
          a sign, he said.

he planted
          the stone
underneath a palm tree
          that used to sit outside the complex
          it grew into a fine
unearthly plant
          filled with the blacker-green leaves
and there
          he made his home.

and the people of Coupe
          sensible people)
          brought in all sorts of botanists
et cetera, to look at this plant
          born out of a rock
and Efren
          gave out prophecies from the tree
as usual and
          they came true.

when the
          sun reached its zenith in the sky
his tree
as spores
          floated softly windward
          it did no good to human lungs
except for Efren,
          who was accustomed to poison.

well, this thing needs heavy crits.