NaPoWriMo Day 12

Prompt One: Write a nonsense secret code poem.

affirmatively capable
lamprey eel
disclosed a panopticon
in the center
of a brokenhearted orchestra

“Plethoric!” shellfish jingled,
“Fullcolored fatihah!
“Our shaitan overpoise
“will entrench this electuary!”

Prompt 2: Find a picture related to your favorite writer and write a tribute relating the two.

i am leaning
back on the faded wood
looking at insects
leap among the wheat

I have no role model!
i think
Except in the things
that i am trying my best
to talk about!

like this,
the bar is high enough
to go up
as a wisp of smoke
in a
half-hearted attempt
to dissimilate
among the spacious heavens.